
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting to Wedding Weight

As I mentioned last week, I lost the baby weight in less than 3 months. This was the first time that has happened, and the weight just kept coming off. Not as fast, but slowly and steadily, and in the 4 months that followed, I've lost another 22 pounds, which puts me a few pounds *under* my wedding weight!

How I lost the baby weight and made it to wedding weight! 72 pounds in 7 months!

Big pause while I jump around the room.... (then realize that I'm not wearing any makeup in that photo). Here's another version of me, last weekend at a Halloween party.

I am so so happy, and proud, and excited, and trilled, and surprised and even a little bit scared that I might gain some of it back.

The most shocking part of this whole thing, has been how much I've really changed my lifestyle. So much so that now unhealthy foods actually make me sick. OK, I'm feeling a little sick/shameful just writing that, but it's true. 1 slice of pizza can do me in. Enough with the TMI:)

I got married at the same weight that I had been for most of college and graduate school, and I stayed that weight for the first year of our marriage before I gained 10 pounds with Clomid, a fertility drug. After that, I never went below my "pre-first-baby" weight again.

Last summer, knowing/hoping that we would get pregnant with #4 soon, I declared it my "summer of fun". For me that meant eating and drinking and eating and snacking and watching TV and eating and baking... So I started the last pregnancy about 10 pounds higher than my usual being-a-mom weight. With the fourth and final baby here, I'm super motivated to get back to the old normal, and I want to be fit and strong and happy and healthy for the future.

Is this topic even remotely interesting to anyone reading? It's taken up a ton of my brain space for the past 7 months, but as I get better at making better choices it's taking less and less thinking time, but I'd still like to write it all down for sometime this winter when I inevitably just want to eat fried things and drink hot drinks with alcohol in them every day:)



  1. Great post! You look awesome and I would love to know more about the healthy meals you made while chasing around 4 kids!

  2. You look amazing!! Congrats on the weight loss and new healthy lifestyle!

  3. Congratulations! I am very interested in this topic and your journey because I am pregnant with my fifth and final and would like to lose the weight for good. I did well after the first two...

  4. Yes, PLEASE share your tips, recipes, etc. So motivating.

  5. Good on you, you should feel very proud! You are one smokin hot mumma!!

  6. You look amazing! You should be so proud of yourself!

  7. Yes, please share! It's great to hear from Moms who have worked hard to get their baby weight off.

  8. You look fab, and better yet, it sounds like you feel fab! Congrats to you. Hopefully you all had a festive holiday season and new year!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)