
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Donut Hole Tower and a 6 year old Birthday Party

donut hole tower for a princess birthday party

All donuts and donut holes, all the time.

donut hole tower for a princess birthday party


I bought a styrofoam tower at Michael's, left the plastic wrap on, and just skewered the donut and donut holes on with toothpicks. Then decorate with some frilly Target tutu thingies, as you do:)

donut hole tower for a princess birthday party

So now, in a break from the onslaught on vacation house pictures and reveals (announcing, why we built, under constructionmoving in, the great room, kitchen, master bedroom, master bath...) I bring you my 6 year old's birthday party and the awesome donut hole tower I created for it.

donut hole tower for a princess birthday party

Yes, her birthday was in August. I got pregnant and sick and anti-screen and just never blogged about it. Honestly, I give myself points for even taking pictures.

donut hole tower for a princess birthday party

It had a "princess-pajama-art" theme, which was clearly her own invention and excuse to wear pajamas and a princess dress.

donut hole tower for a princess birthday party

The pj's were off at this point.

4 year old boys, however, refuse to accessorize their construction machine pajamas with princess attire:) Thankfully, my sweetie loves donuts!

book swap at a birthday party instead of gifts or favors

Instead of gifts (which I loath to receive and slightly dislike giving), I had each child bring a book (used or new) and the kids did a book swap. While sitting around out coffee table, they sang Happy Birthday, passing the books around. Then when the song stopped if they liked the book in front of them they took it and stepped back. Worked wonderfully, and we had a net loss of 4 books in our house (since some siblings arrived unexpectedly).

book swap at a birthday party instead of gifts or favors

Birthday success all around!



  1. The donuts look awesome! I may have to try that. And I loathe the whole gift giving and receiving thing as well. We usually pick a charity and ask people to bring a donation (not money, items), but I love the book swap idea especially since our parties have been getting smaller and smaller. Kudos to you for a big party, at your house, and being preggo sick!! I am very impressed!!

  2. I love your book swap idea! We always request no gifts on the invitation which results in some bringing gifts and some not. Perfect solution. :)

  3. Love the book swap idea! That is so clever! And so is the donut tower! So cool!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)