
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Best Kid Books ages 4-6

The best kid books for 4-6 year olds

Here are our current favorites for the 4 year old boy and 6 year old girl in our family:

 Because how can you go wrong with American Girl dolls? OK, don't answer that, it all starts with a *doll* that is $110, but beyond that, I love the books, historical characters, and age appropriate writing. When I was little I had Molly, so we read about the rationing and victory gardens of World War II, and my sister had Samantha, so we read about the Victorian era, embroidery, gloves, and good manners.

Easy readers that aren't so annoying you'll want to shoot yourself after the first time through.

The book, Everyday Machines is great, although out of print. Anything that explains how things work is awesome, and the illustrations in this one are both mind-bendingly awesome, and detailed.

Far and away, our son's favorite book. Who wouldn't love a detailed and illustrated account of how to build a medieval cathedral? We know discuss flying buttresses, gargoyles, and double vaulted ceilings with regularity. Other books by this author are equally fabulous,  comes to mind as a current, bridge, dam, and tunnel building fave.

What are your kids reading?


This page contains affiliate links to products I own and love.

1 comment:

  1. I had Molly when I was little too! I loved the books and at a family reunion my cousins and I acted out her play (a few of us had Molly - back then there were only 3 or 4 choices :) ).

    I haven't seen any of the books you recommended - I'll have to check them out! We read a lot of Visitor for Bear, Bedtime for Bear, Mr Putter series and my kindergartener is obsessed with Junie B Jones (I promised to order a new one yesterday because we've been rereading all of ours).


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)