It's possible, that like baby Yoyo, your child made a very quick transition from the pureed baby food....
to what we call "people food".
So, before I knew it, I was left with tons and tons of purees that my baby won't touch, preferring instead, scrambled eggs, avocados, turkey bacon (he loves to suck on anything salty), beans and rice, chicken...
I've written before about what to do with the glass baby food jars. With our third child, I was having an eco-friendly moment and turned the glass jars into mason jar sippers, gilded vases, painted votives...
Alas, with the 4th baby came not only a return to plastic containers of baby food, but also any crafting desire I had before is now gone. Cooking and baking are still high up on my list of things that I don't delegate (see how I decide, refuse, and delegate here).
My favorite recipes to make with baby food:
Banana Bread
Carrot cake (yummy, smooth, no weird textural issues)
Spagetti sauce (there is possibly nothing else to do with leftover green beans, just throw a little in)
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Monday, December 8, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Mothering Boys
The biggest difference between mothering girls and boys?
Boys need MUCH more active time. Run them, before school, after school, before bedtime... Like a dog except that they can talk:)
Boys eat MUCH more food. Possibly a generalization, however, when I pack lunches, my 5 year old boy will eat almost twice as much food as my 7 year old daughter, and then he will eat her leftovers in the car on the way home from school. I can't even begin to imagine what life will be like with 2 teenage boys under my roof.
Boys are so LOUD.
Boys are noise covered in dirt. A true statement, but also misses the sweetness, and usual lack of manipulation that I've noticed in the other gender (cough-girls-cough).
What have you noticed?
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Monday, November 24, 2014
Frozen Birthday Party
Yes, I totally gave in to the craze, drank the frozen kool-aid, and threw our 3 year old a themed birthday party. I even hired 2 princesses to come and sing with the kids. Sometimes, it's just easier to give in to the desires of the third child, than to pretend that she doesn't watch TV and craft a wholesome birthday party.
I sourced table decor from my house, so vases in blue and white, a silver branch candelabra, pinecones, an owl... anything that felt winter-frozen-blue-white-maybe-it-goes.
We pushed the 2 dining tables together, and had kids attempt to "build a snowman" out of pretzel rods and marshmallows. They also had waffles and fruit.
Of course, I made us take a family photo...
A shot of the food...
Watching the movie an hour before the party to refresh the older two. They aren't addicted like the 3 year old, so they needed a reminder about the song lyrics.
Snowman parts.
"Snow" was popcorn, carrots were Olaf's noses, and "Sven snacks" were Chex mix and pastel M&M's.
Princess Elsa singing Let it Go.
Our 3 year old in heaven!
Both princesses together.
My sister made 2 cakes, which was amazing and generous and kind and lovely and thematically appropriate!
Our happy girls watching Princess Anna:)
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Thursday, November 20, 2014
How to Recover from an "Off" Day
Tuesday was just an off day for me. I'm open to the idea that it was this because it started off with the horrific news from Israel, but usually I am able to compartmentalize sad/tragic news (lots of experience with this over the summer and the war) and it doesn't make me upset and fussy like a baby for an entire day. My brilliant friend Nicki wrote about the attacks and her response here.
So, faced with the reality that I was going to be basically useless on a day when I had tons of things to do, I decided to take action, and to do everything in my power to shake off the icky-ness.
After all of that, I still had a kid dentist appointment for the 3 big ones, we ate dinner as a family, I put the baby to bed, snuggled and talked with the 2nd grader, then went to bed myself at 8:30.
Sometimes we just have those days. And this week, I felt good knowing that I was doing everything in my power to make the day better, and instead of curling up in a ball (maybe with unhealthy food), I stayed healthy, and strong, and set a good example for my kids about what to do when we don't feel our best.
Any other tips I might have missed? Since winter and sick-days are approaching, I'm sure that I'll have other days where I need new pick-me-up ideas.
So, faced with the reality that I was going to be basically useless on a day when I had tons of things to do, I decided to take action, and to do everything in my power to shake off the icky-ness.
- I snuggled with the two little kids.
- I ate breakfast, and fueled my body with yogurt, almond butter, and blueberries.
- I put on my workout clothes to set myself up for success.
- I did 30 Day Shred, level 3, a for-sure-to-sweat exercise video that got my heart pumping
- I allowed myself to surf the internet aimlessly, and put fantasy clothes (sequin ball gown) in my online shopping cart, without actually buying anything
- I turned up some happy music (Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams) and danced around my kitchen while making dinner *way* ahead of time, so that the evening wouldn't be rushed.
- I baked some oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies to put in kid lunches as treats
- I picked up my preschooler and we sang Frozen songs in the car on the way home
- I took a walk with a girlfriend (seeing friends and socializing is very healthy for you)
- I picked up my kindergartner, took him to speech class, and read a really funny book during the wait (Andy Cohen's new one)
- I held hands with above-mentioned kindergartner and we skipped, jumped and hopped our way to the car...
After all of that, I still had a kid dentist appointment for the 3 big ones, we ate dinner as a family, I put the baby to bed, snuggled and talked with the 2nd grader, then went to bed myself at 8:30.
Sometimes we just have those days. And this week, I felt good knowing that I was doing everything in my power to make the day better, and instead of curling up in a ball (maybe with unhealthy food), I stayed healthy, and strong, and set a good example for my kids about what to do when we don't feel our best.
Any other tips I might have missed? Since winter and sick-days are approaching, I'm sure that I'll have other days where I need new pick-me-up ideas.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Stitch Fix Review
Since we were in the "country" this summer at the vacation house, and I was quickly getting to small for my clothes (not out-growing, but the opposite, what is that? de-growing?), I decided to fully embrace anything that could arrive via USPS, UPS or FedEx (see my honest review of Blue Apron here).
Other than an almost-breakdown over missing the Nordstrom Anniversary sale (solved with online shopping, and returning 2/3 of what I ordered, kids shoes are tricky!), I stuck mostly to Amazon Prime. Until I was blog surfing one day while the baby napped and I discovered Stitch Fix.
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Other than an almost-breakdown over missing the Nordstrom Anniversary sale (solved with online shopping, and returning 2/3 of what I ordered, kids shoes are tricky!), I stuck mostly to Amazon Prime. Until I was blog surfing one day while the baby napped and I discovered Stitch Fix.
Plenty of other bloggers have described this way better than I can, but here's the gist of it:
- You go online and fill out a style profile. You include your size, things you like and love, links to your Pinterest clothing board, even a special note.
- You pay a $20 refundable styling fee. If you buy anything at all, they refund you this fee.
- Your stylist (mine is Christina and I love her), choses 5 items and sends them to you in a box, all pretty and packaged, and it arrives on a day that you have chosen.
- You try on everything in the box, keep what you like, return (in an enclosed postage paid bag) anything that you don't love, then you "checkout" online.
- The checkout process includes giving tons of feedback about what you loved, what didn't work, and most importably, *why* you like things (or don't).
My first Stitch Fix gave me these awesome green jeans, this Splendid top, and another tank that I kept. 2 pieces I sent back.
My second box arrived in September, just in time for the Jewish High Holidays, and I kept all 5 items! Oh, if you keep all 5, then they give you a 25% discount on everything.
Here's the step-by-step.
The box arrives, and I get all excited and tingly, and race upstairs to my bedroom to have a fashion show for the baby.
Everything is packaged nicely.
Inside, there is a printout with each piece, and 2 styling ideas for how to wear them.
These were the 5 items that I kept. From left to right: a cropped sweater, a lace top, hot pink blouse, pony-print dress, and a skirt.
Me in the blouse and a skirt I already own from Boden.
The pony-print dress.
I just got my third box last week, and kept 3 of the 5, still a success. I know that "normal" people go to stores to shop, but I'm more than happy to have someone else chose items for me and then to have them magically arrive at my house!
If you want to try Stitch Fix, and you click on the links here, I'll get a small referral fee. I already got a few just by posting on Facebook, which was a total happy surprise, and just shows that non-blog people can take advantage of their friend networks too:)
Happy Shopping!
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Monday, November 17, 2014
Dining Room Update- 2 Tables
Here is our dining room set for Rosh Hashanah dinner (the Jewish New Year). We pushed both tables together and it was the perfect fit for 12 of us. As you can see, we only bought white chairs, and only 8 of them, so we had to fill in with some black ones. Not ideal, but the layout works so wonderfully day-to-day that I'm willing to overlook a few design issues for now:)
A few more pictures to show you how it's working:
The last 2 were from our 3 year old's Frozen birthday party!
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014
An Honest Review of Blue Apron
I adore having things delivered.
There might be nothing in this world I refer to staying at home and having things brought to me. I've always been a homebody, and my love for creating a home has just nestled nicely in with my natural tendencies towards being *inside* and looking at a lovely view *outside*. (After 10 years my husband understands this, but still isn't of the same mindset. Hence he rides bikes outside, and I do exercise videos inside)
Anyway, I have an unending love for Amazon Prime (I wrote about how I think it saves me hours a week here), so this summer, while we were at the vacation house I decided to try Blue Apron. They deliver a box to your door every week with ingredients for 3 meals. Everything is all perfectly portioned, with photo step-by-step instructions. Since we were "in the woods", grocery shopping was not very refined, and this was a chance to spice things up a bit.
Little did I know how spicy it would be.
Even with our stove and oven being out for 5 weeks (I know, I know, but "in the woods" there are very few repair people), I managed to make the meals Blue Apron sent.
An aside- This is not a sponsored post, I paid for everything, just wanted to let you know my thoughts.
Sorry for the iphone photo, but everything tastes great. The downside, which I alluded to earlier, is that it is WAY too spicy for my kids. So in the end, I wind up seasoning and spicing half of everything, and the leaving the rest plain. The above was salmon crusted with rice flakes, kale with garlic, and miso-mashed potatoes which were a huge hit, even the baby likes them!
The other major drawback is that while the food is pre-portioned (1 tomato, 3 stalks of celery...) it is not pre-cut. So each meal takes about 45 minutes to prepare, but most of that is hands-on time. Not ideal for the baby stage that I'm currently in. I'm used to hands-off dinners, so to find 45 minutes to chop, slice, dice, marinate, sauté, broil, sear, toss and garnish is a tough call most weeknights.
The recipes are delicious, and give me tons of ideas. My kids adored a Vietnamese Shaking Beef (recipe here).
So inspired by the shaking beef success, I made it again and served it to guests. I paired it with corn ravioli in a miso-ginger broth, lime rice, and we ended with poached pears and ice cream. You can find my recipe for poached pears here.
Any new convenience deliveries you are using?
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Monday, November 10, 2014
Moodboard Thanksgiving
It's getting to be that time of year, so I decided to make a mood board of all my Thanksgiving ideas this year.
The recipe-side will probably come to fruition, the decorating side, might be a wee bit overly ambitious:) Time will tell...
Bacon-wrapped Turkey
Sweet Potatoes
Perfect Gravy
Pumpkin Pie
Peanut Butter Cookies with Maple Bacon
string lights outside, holiday party design by Emily Henderson
It will be a kosher Thanksgiving at our house, so it will be beef bacon (no pork), plus I'll add a few more "green things" to quote my kids. Maybe green beans, or brussels sprouts, or a salad... But sometimes they only get in the way!
The recipe-side will probably come to fruition, the decorating side, might be a wee bit overly ambitious:) Time will tell...
Bacon-wrapped Turkey
Sweet Potatoes
Perfect Gravy
Pumpkin Pie
Peanut Butter Cookies with Maple Bacon
string lights outside, holiday party design by Emily Henderson
It will be a kosher Thanksgiving at our house, so it will be beef bacon (no pork), plus I'll add a few more "green things" to quote my kids. Maybe green beans, or brussels sprouts, or a salad... But sometimes they only get in the way!
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Books I've Read this Year
I'm nothing if not a reader, so I thought it would be fun to list the books I've read so far in 2014. I'll start with the ones I've read most recently then end with the list of the 30 books I read while on bed rest for 6 weeks.
The Marriage of Chani Kaufman, by Eve Harris
The Language of Flowers, by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
The Sense of an Ending, by Julian Barnes
My Life in Loubies, by Erica Negi
Visible City, by Tova Mirvis
The Outside World, by Tova Mirvis
Social Lives, by Wendy Walker
The Perfect Manhattan, by Leanne Shear and Tracey Tobmey
Delicious, by Ruth Reichl
The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt
What Alice Forgot, by Liane Moriarty
A Winter's Tale, By Stephanie Laurens
Taming of the Duke, by Eloisa James
Loving Rose, by Stephanie Laurens
On the Way to the Wedding, by Julia Quinn
When he was Wicked, by Julia Quinn
It's in his Kiss, by Julia Quinn
To Sir Philip, with Love, by Julia Quinn
Romancing Mister Bridgerton, by Julia Quinn
An Offer from a Gentleman, by Julia Quinn
The Viscount who Loved Me, by Julia Quinn
The Duke and I, by Julia Quinn (the above 8 were all me re-reading a beloved series)
The Escape, by Mary Balogh
Storming the Castle, by Eloisa James
Three Nights with Lady X, by Eloisa James
A Duke of Her Own, by Eloisa James
The Brazen Trilogy, by Elizabeth Boyle
Have You Any Rogues?, by Elizabeth Boyle
And The Miss Ran Away with the Rake, by Elizabeth Boyle
Along Came a Duke, by Elizabeth Boyle
The Masterful Mr. Montague, by Stephanie Laurens
Otherwise Engaged, by Amanda Quick
If Wishes Were Earls, by Elizabeth Boyle
At Home, by Bill Bryson
Save the Date, by Jen Doll
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography
Not That Kind of Girl, by Lena Dunham
All The Money in the Worls, by Laura Vanderkam
I'll Drink to That, by Betty Halbreich
Secrets of Happy Families, by Bruce Feiler
Looking for Class, by Bruce Feiler
Smart Money, Smart Kids, by Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruz
Un-Shopping, by Debbie Roe
What the Most Successful People Do at Work, by Laura Vanderkam
What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, by Laura Vanderkam
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, by Laura Vanderkam
On Becoming Baby Wise, by Gary Ezzo M.D. and Robert Ruckman M.D.
Growing up Duggar, by the Duggar Girls
Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey
Super Freakanomics, by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner
Hell is Other Parents, by Deborah Copaken Kogan
Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time, by Brigid Schulte
Health/Diet/Fitness (see also How I Lost the Baby Weight then got to Wedding Weight):
Slim By Design, by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
The End of Overeating, by David A Kessler, M.D.
The Everygirl's Guide to Diet and Fitness, by Maria Menounos
Thin Side Out, by Josie Spinaldi
Skinny Thinking, by Laura Katleman-Prue
Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
While on Bed Rest:
Hunger Games Trilogy, by Suzanne Collins
Real Food for Mother and Baby, by Nina Planck
The Husband's Secret, by Liane Moriarty
The Divergent Trilogy, by Veronica Roth
One Perfect Rose, by Mary Jo Putney
Sleepless Nights, by Sarah Bilston
Bed Rest, by Sarah Bilston
The Trouble with Virtue, by Stephanie Laurens
Everything is Perfect When You are a Liar, by Kelly Oxford
Melting Ice, by Stephanie Laurens
And Then She Fell, by Stephanie Laurens
The Taming of Ryder Cavanaugh,
I Shouldn't be Telling you This, by Kate White
The Peculiar Case of Lord Finsbury's Diamonds, by Stephanie Laurens
All Through the Night, by Connie Brockway
Getting to 50/50
This is Where I Leave You, by Jonathan Tropper
Dad is Fat, by Jim Gaffigan
French Women Don't Get Fat, by Mireille Guiliano
The Interestings, by Meg Wolitzer
French Kids Eat Everything, by Karen Le Billon
Spelling it Like it is, by Tori Spelling
Happier at Home, by Gretchen Rubin
Flawless, by Tilly Bagshawe
The Devil Wears Kilts, by Suzanne Enoch
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished, by Sarah MacLean
Fiction: 22
Romance: 32
Non-Fiction: 28
Health: 6
So far that's 88. So to hit my goal of 100 books this year I need to read another 12 before the end of the year, I think it's doable:)
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Monday, November 3, 2014
How to Make School Lunch without Losing Your Mind
Now that school has been in session a few months, the newness of packing lunches has worn off, and the (potential) drudgery has set in.
I would love to be a school lunch wizard like local blogger Wendolonia, who photographs he two sons' lunches each day. She does crazy-amazing things with bento boxes, alphabet punches, and edible markers.
Instead, I'm just trying to make my mornings run more smoothly, and try to remember who needs to ear a PE shirt, and who has art today (which means clothes that can get really messy). So, in my juggling act with 4 kids, I aim to make lunches for the week ahead of time on Sunday, and put them in the fridge all ready to go for the week.
I use these super simple containers for the lunches, with occasional silicon cupcake molds for dividing the main compartment, and plastic ball jars (see my post here) for snacks.
My go-to lunches?
- PB&J sandwiches
- Apples with peanut butter
- Smoked Salmon roll-ups in a whole wheat tortilla (for one kid)
- Leftover pancakes with pb&j
- waffles with cream cheese and strawberries
- apple "sandwiches" with peanut butter and raisins
- carrots and hummus
- mini-pita pizzas
- overnight oatmeal
- homemade granola
- trail mix (we make our own)
I also adore baking, so we usually make one or two batches of muffins (or really anything that is cooked in a muffin pan) for weekly snacks. Some recipes are totally made up, some are from 100 Days of Real Food (either the blog or the book), or from my favorite cookbooks.
- Chocolate avocado banana muffins (made up with help from the 3 year old)
- Gluten Free Apple Spice Muffins
- Chocolate Zucchini Muffins
- Pumpkin Spice Muffins
- Banana Raisin Muffins
- Oatmeal chocolate chip muffins (or cookies)
- Adding some cocoa powder or chocolate chips to *anything* makes it more appealing
- vary the size, mini muffins or regular size
- try to keep fruit and veggies small and cut up so kids can eat them easier
- let your kids help you decide which items will be for lunch this week
- almost any baked good can be frozen, then defrosted overnight in the fridge
- mini-pizzas can be frozen (after baking), and defrost in the fridge. My kids will eat them cold!
- vary the fruits each week (or every day)
I've written about a week of kindergarten lunches, what I learned after 1 year of lunch packing, how to pack a zero waste lunch, and you can also check out what I packed the first week of school in first grade. So clearly, this is something I've spent lot of time thinking about!
Products that make lunch-packing easier. As always, these affiliate links are only for products that I've already purchased and loved!
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Thursday, October 30, 2014
What to do with leftover half and half #tbt
Every Friday my dad picks up my preschooler and takes her to the park for lunch and playing. I know, I'm super lucky. Believe me, you do't even want to hear about what the other 3 local grand parents do, they are all amazing:) Anyhoo, my dad brings half and half for my daughter to drink (just go with it), and we often have some left over in our fridge.
Recently, as the weather has been turned a bit cooler, and I'm nursing the baby only during the day (he sleeps at night), I've revisited one of my favorite cocktails, the Brandy Alexander. I first discovered it at the Bar at La Terrasse, a great restaurant in West Philly, when I was in college, and Ive brought it back as a special occasion drink. It fills both the dessert and drink categories, so take that into account when planning when to have it!
After getting back to my wedding weight (I posted about it yesterday), I certainly only have this as a special occasion drink. And as a mom, that usually means a day when the preschooler refused to wear a costume to the Halloween party, the baby is snotty, the kindergartener left his library book at home, and the second grader had really hard questions about life that she only thought of 5 minutes *after* bedtime:)
Find my original post and recipe for a Brandy Alexander cocktail here.
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Recently, as the weather has been turned a bit cooler, and I'm nursing the baby only during the day (he sleeps at night), I've revisited one of my favorite cocktails, the Brandy Alexander. I first discovered it at the Bar at La Terrasse, a great restaurant in West Philly, when I was in college, and Ive brought it back as a special occasion drink. It fills both the dessert and drink categories, so take that into account when planning when to have it!
After getting back to my wedding weight (I posted about it yesterday), I certainly only have this as a special occasion drink. And as a mom, that usually means a day when the preschooler refused to wear a costume to the Halloween party, the baby is snotty, the kindergartener left his library book at home, and the second grader had really hard questions about life that she only thought of 5 minutes *after* bedtime:)
Find my original post and recipe for a Brandy Alexander cocktail here.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Getting to Wedding Weight
As I mentioned last week, I lost the baby weight in less than 3 months. This was the first time that has happened, and the weight just kept coming off. Not as fast, but slowly and steadily, and in the 4 months that followed, I've lost another 22 pounds, which puts me a few pounds *under* my wedding weight!
Big pause while I jump around the room.... (then realize that I'm not wearing any makeup in that photo). Here's another version of me, last weekend at a Halloween party.
I am so so happy, and proud, and excited, and trilled, and surprised and even a little bit scared that I might gain some of it back.
The most shocking part of this whole thing, has been how much I've really changed my lifestyle. So much so that now unhealthy foods actually make me sick. OK, I'm feeling a little sick/shameful just writing that, but it's true. 1 slice of pizza can do me in. Enough with the TMI:)
I got married at the same weight that I had been for most of college and graduate school, and I stayed that weight for the first year of our marriage before I gained 10 pounds with Clomid, a fertility drug. After that, I never went below my "pre-first-baby" weight again.
Last summer, knowing/hoping that we would get pregnant with #4 soon, I declared it my "summer of fun". For me that meant eating and drinking and eating and snacking and watching TV and eating and baking... So I started the last pregnancy about 10 pounds higher than my usual being-a-mom weight. With the fourth and final baby here, I'm super motivated to get back to the old normal, and I want to be fit and strong and happy and healthy for the future.
Is this topic even remotely interesting to anyone reading? It's taken up a ton of my brain space for the past 7 months, but as I get better at making better choices it's taking less and less thinking time, but I'd still like to write it all down for sometime this winter when I inevitably just want to eat fried things and drink hot drinks with alcohol in them every day:)
Big pause while I jump around the room.... (then realize that I'm not wearing any makeup in that photo). Here's another version of me, last weekend at a Halloween party.
I am so so happy, and proud, and excited, and trilled, and surprised and even a little bit scared that I might gain some of it back.
The most shocking part of this whole thing, has been how much I've really changed my lifestyle. So much so that now unhealthy foods actually make me sick. OK, I'm feeling a little sick/shameful just writing that, but it's true. 1 slice of pizza can do me in. Enough with the TMI:)
I got married at the same weight that I had been for most of college and graduate school, and I stayed that weight for the first year of our marriage before I gained 10 pounds with Clomid, a fertility drug. After that, I never went below my "pre-first-baby" weight again.
Last summer, knowing/hoping that we would get pregnant with #4 soon, I declared it my "summer of fun". For me that meant eating and drinking and eating and snacking and watching TV and eating and baking... So I started the last pregnancy about 10 pounds higher than my usual being-a-mom weight. With the fourth and final baby here, I'm super motivated to get back to the old normal, and I want to be fit and strong and happy and healthy for the future.
Is this topic even remotely interesting to anyone reading? It's taken up a ton of my brain space for the past 7 months, but as I get better at making better choices it's taking less and less thinking time, but I'd still like to write it all down for sometime this winter when I inevitably just want to eat fried things and drink hot drinks with alcohol in them every day:)
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Monday, October 27, 2014
Safari Nursery
What? I'm posting a mood board for a mythical baby and I haven't even showed you MY baby's nursery? Yes, I know. I will rectify that eventually, although, spoiler alert, it's pretty much the same as the room was when it belonged to my daughter (pink and teal nursery), except that I swapped out the pink bedding for my son's old crib bedding (best seen here in the post about double sheeting a crib), and changed the diaper changed to orange.
Here's what I would do for a gender-neutral nursery. Plus, I'm in love with the wallpaper:)
- Anthropologie had a ton of great items including the Gilded Giraffe Wallpaper, Giraffe bust and Giraffe pillow (they also have a zebra one!)
- Elephant Hamper
- I would arrange these modern safari prints in a corner as shown above (image from here)
- A Boppy cover in deer (you know I love a good deer head!)
- Crib Bedding - the Ben Collection from Serena and Lily
No affiliate links were used in this post, I just like to create fantasy rooms for mythical babies:) Pin It
Friday, October 24, 2014
How I Survive Without Coffee
I do love the ritual of coffee, so to duplicate that calm feeling (and give me a *little* caffeine boost), I drink tea instead.
My new favorite, is the Earl Grey Lavender from Ceremonie Tea. It's my go-to morning tea, perfect with a splash of milk.
A good friend of mine now works for Ceremonie, and when he asked if I'd like a free box to sample, I jumped at the chance. Here are my favorite things:
- The packaging is elegant and pretty enough to be left out
- They have a bento-box-esque display tray that makes offering company tea an elegant experience
- I adore the minicubes. Each person can have their own touching all the other bags.
- The flavors are inventive and yummy, Ginger peach? Lemongrass & Verbena?
- They come in pretty pyramid sachets which just makes me feel fancy:)
If you are local, you can find it at Oakland Kosher. Friends farther afield can find Ceremonie Tea online at Abe's Market or more info at
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014
How I lost the baby weight in 10.5 weeks
Questioning whether I should even write this post, but in the spirit of the blog being for me (and for you only in as much as you enjoy it and chose to read it), here goes. This is how, after having baby #4 (!!!), I lost the 49.5 pounds of pregnancy weight that I gained, and I lost it in only 10.5 weeks.
It is very important to be precise here, since weight gain and loss can feel very precise. 49.5 pounds sounds a heck of a lot better in my head than 50 pounds, and 10.5 weeks sounds better than 11 weeks:)
The three main things I did were:
1. Weight Watchers
2. Exercising 5-6 days a week
3. Reading books, magazines and blogs about fitness and weight loss to keep me motivated.
Before: 3 days before giving birth... After: 10.5 weeks later...(sorry I don't have one of only me)

Weight Watchers-
I have used Weight Watchers before, so I know that the system works for me. I need to write down everything that I eat, and have no food "off limits" in order to see results. Of course, as I get more fit, I wind up making better food choices anyway, since it feels better, but coming right off having a baby, I needed to know that I could eat anything, but I had to track it (write it down online or in the app).
I did the online version of the plan, since I knew the basics, and who can get to a meeting with a newborn? Not I. I read the blogs on the site, used the app to track my food but also my water intake, and overall just shifted the amount that I was eating. Plus, no more nausea really helps me chose to eat veggies, rather than anything that I think won't hurt coming back up:)
I started a few days after giving birth with simple breathing exercises to strengthen my abs. I used a video from Fit2B (not an affiliate link) and just worked my way up. My husband and I started walking each day, first for 5 minutes, then for 10, then 15. Maybe I was up to 30 minutes of slow walking by 2 weeks postpartum, so nothing crazy, just moving my body outside. Sometimes I would walk on our treadmill at home too.
The real game changer was starting doing Jillian Michaels (you know her from the Biggest Loser) DVDs at home. I started with 30 Day Shred, Level 1, and I couldn't even get through the whole thing for a few weeks! I just kept at it, doing a few more reps each day, resting less, then adding in Level 2 once I felt stronger. By the 11 week mark when I had lost all of the weight, I was doing all 3 levels of 30 Day Shred, plus level 1 of 6 Week 6 Pack. (It took another 2 months before I could do level 2 of 6 Week 6 Pack without stopping)!
The DVD's were perfect for after having a baby since they are short (22 minutes to 40 minutes), and I could pause to go nurse/change a diaper etc then come back to them and pick up where I left off. The stress of getting to a class at a specific time was just too much for me in that newborn stage, you never know when the baby will be hungry or have a diaper blowout...
Staying Motivated-
I read the following books (usually while nursing)!
Slim By Design, by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
The End of Overeating, by David A Kessler, M.D.
The Everygirl's Guide to Diet and Fitness, by Maria Menounos
Thin Side Out, by Josie Spinaldi
Skinny Thinking, by Laura Katleman-Prue
Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
Each one gave me a little push to make positive changes. from reorganizing my refrigerator so the fruits and veggies are at eye level and the junk is in the crisper, to always leaving a bite on my plate, each one helped me to make tiny changes, usually 1 change per week.
I also rewarded myself whenever I went to the grocery store and *didn't* buy a donut (my pregnancy craving this round). I would buy as many health and fitness magazines as I wanted. Whether or not I did the workouts or cooked the food, I was motivated to keep on track, keep going, and just the act of tearing out an ab workout served to motivate me a little bit each day.
Oh- and I kept losing weight! That might be the craziest part of this. Instead of just stopping or plateauing at my pre-baby weight, I kept losing, another 23 pounds, getting back to my wedding weight (technically 2 pounds less)! I'll write another post with those tips to stay motivated (and pics!) soon.
Here's a link to the workout I did. You can find lots for free if you are an Amazon Prime member, or I bought this one for less than $10. (affiliate link, but I bought it and love it, so you know it's good)
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It is very important to be precise here, since weight gain and loss can feel very precise. 49.5 pounds sounds a heck of a lot better in my head than 50 pounds, and 10.5 weeks sounds better than 11 weeks:)
The three main things I did were:
1. Weight Watchers
2. Exercising 5-6 days a week
3. Reading books, magazines and blogs about fitness and weight loss to keep me motivated.
Before: 3 days before giving birth... After: 10.5 weeks later...(sorry I don't have one of only me)
Weight Watchers-
I have used Weight Watchers before, so I know that the system works for me. I need to write down everything that I eat, and have no food "off limits" in order to see results. Of course, as I get more fit, I wind up making better food choices anyway, since it feels better, but coming right off having a baby, I needed to know that I could eat anything, but I had to track it (write it down online or in the app).
I did the online version of the plan, since I knew the basics, and who can get to a meeting with a newborn? Not I. I read the blogs on the site, used the app to track my food but also my water intake, and overall just shifted the amount that I was eating. Plus, no more nausea really helps me chose to eat veggies, rather than anything that I think won't hurt coming back up:)
I started a few days after giving birth with simple breathing exercises to strengthen my abs. I used a video from Fit2B (not an affiliate link) and just worked my way up. My husband and I started walking each day, first for 5 minutes, then for 10, then 15. Maybe I was up to 30 minutes of slow walking by 2 weeks postpartum, so nothing crazy, just moving my body outside. Sometimes I would walk on our treadmill at home too.
The real game changer was starting doing Jillian Michaels (you know her from the Biggest Loser) DVDs at home. I started with 30 Day Shred, Level 1, and I couldn't even get through the whole thing for a few weeks! I just kept at it, doing a few more reps each day, resting less, then adding in Level 2 once I felt stronger. By the 11 week mark when I had lost all of the weight, I was doing all 3 levels of 30 Day Shred, plus level 1 of 6 Week 6 Pack. (It took another 2 months before I could do level 2 of 6 Week 6 Pack without stopping)!
The DVD's were perfect for after having a baby since they are short (22 minutes to 40 minutes), and I could pause to go nurse/change a diaper etc then come back to them and pick up where I left off. The stress of getting to a class at a specific time was just too much for me in that newborn stage, you never know when the baby will be hungry or have a diaper blowout...
Staying Motivated-
I read the following books (usually while nursing)!
Slim By Design, by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
The End of Overeating, by David A Kessler, M.D.
The Everygirl's Guide to Diet and Fitness, by Maria Menounos
Thin Side Out, by Josie Spinaldi
Skinny Thinking, by Laura Katleman-Prue
Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink Ph.D.
Each one gave me a little push to make positive changes. from reorganizing my refrigerator so the fruits and veggies are at eye level and the junk is in the crisper, to always leaving a bite on my plate, each one helped me to make tiny changes, usually 1 change per week.
I also rewarded myself whenever I went to the grocery store and *didn't* buy a donut (my pregnancy craving this round). I would buy as many health and fitness magazines as I wanted. Whether or not I did the workouts or cooked the food, I was motivated to keep on track, keep going, and just the act of tearing out an ab workout served to motivate me a little bit each day.
Oh- and I kept losing weight! That might be the craziest part of this. Instead of just stopping or plateauing at my pre-baby weight, I kept losing, another 23 pounds, getting back to my wedding weight (technically 2 pounds less)! I'll write another post with those tips to stay motivated (and pics!) soon.
Here's a link to the workout I did. You can find lots for free if you are an Amazon Prime member, or I bought this one for less than $10. (affiliate link, but I bought it and love it, so you know it's good)
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Monday, October 20, 2014
Master Bedroom Tweaking
For some reason, my master bedroom has never fully lived up to my expectations I think it might just be too gray, too dark, something, but I am blessed with a husband who actually cares about the aesthetics of our house, and he is adamant that we keep the wall color. And the gray roman shades. And the gray velvet curtains... So I'm imagining a few tweaks to make it a little more cheerful.
I'd like to add bedside lamps in a larger scale. These navy ones from Target look good (similar ones here), although I'm also open to these clear disc ones from West Elm.
I'm loving the collage wall from Young House Love. I'm happy with our existing yellow prints from Little Brown Pen of Paris in a yellow color story, but maybe if I brought in more photos of our family, the wall would fill in nicely.
I've already pulled the trigger on these mirror collage frames from West Elm. Plus the 4 prints from Minted: & Bricks, Golden Mums, Sundrop, and Hexagon Cluster.
The corner with the chaise (from Wisteria) could use a little pop of color. Maybe a side table, a lamp, a throw and a new pillow?
Any other ideas for me? I'm not sure how much I will actually implement, but it's always fun to dream!
No affiliate links were used in this post, just fyi:)
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