
Friday, May 10, 2013

Dishwashing the Tub Toys

Did you now you could do this?

I mean, I'm pretty sure I've read it in a bout a zillion magazines, and I think I hand-washed each toy after a bath when our first was a baby, but with three kids, somethings have to slide.

And, apparently, washing out bath toys was just one of those things:)

You can wash your bath toys in the dishwasher! Brilliant,  and they get sanitized as well.


We were giving all three kiddos a bath in *our* tub, when the baby decided she had yet to make use of a tub as a giant diaper. You know what I mean?

Yep, so, so, so disgusting!

Not helped by the screams of the older two, "DISGUSTING"!

So after actually cleaning the kids (in the shower), and cleaning the tub itself, it was time to seriously disinfect the tub toys.

Man, this was easy. Pop in upper rack of dishwasher on "sanitize". Done.

If I had adventurous resolutions (which I do not, I like do-able resolutions) I'd resolve to wash the tub toys each week. Instead, I'm settling for every few months, or when we have hazmat level conditions:)



  1. I sometimes forget how easy the dishwasher is to sanitize toys etc...great idea! I know ours could use this for sure :)

    xo, Tanya

  2. basically my entire cleaning strategy is only if we're had hazmat levels ... is that bad? ;)

  3. NEVER occurred to me! Brilliant!

  4. Do you use dishwasher soap, bleach, vinegar, or anything?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)