
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Packing a No-waste Lunch

My daughter's school has no-waste lunches every Thursday. That means nothing that goes to school in their lunch should be disposable or thrown into the garbage.

This also translates into a harder lunch-packing day if you are used to relying on pre-packaged snacks or plastic baggies.

I pretty much just adapt my usual kindergarten lunches, putting everything into the amazing Ball Plastic Freezer Jars: sandwiches, fruit, hard-boiled eggs, trail mix as a snack...

If she is successful in her no-waste lunch (which means I did it correctly) she gets a sticker. 5 stickers and you get a prize. 

My daughter acquired those stickers as fast as she could, got her prize, and thankfully is constant reminder to me every Thursday:)


Thanks for stopping by! I love to keep in touch. 


I link to these awesome parties:


  1. That's cool that they are getting the kids to think about their impact on the environment at a young age. I've been using those fabric reuseable snack baggies found on Amazon. for my kids lunches. they are great! Love that your daughter gets stickers and a prize.

  2. Thanks to you I am kind of obsessed with the plastic ball jars. We use them all the time :)

  3. i found a lidded, divided tray (for leftovers) at walmart and it fits inside my daughter's lunch box perfectly! no more baggies! but, i would love to know what kind of bottle you're using for her drinks and do you ever have trouble with it leaking? thanks!

  4. What a fantastic idea! I also have a slight addiction to the plastic and glass Ball jars!

  5. That's a great idea for a school to take on. You can save SO much waste just once a day. So smart!

  6. What a fun idea! My daughter's school has big recycling competitions, but I've never heard of this. I'll have to pass it on to the powers that be :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)