
Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to Roast Brussel Sprouts on the Stalk

I told my daughter a secret the other day while reciting Green Eggs and Ham from memory.


I thought I HATED brussel sprouts.

Turns out...

I had never had them!

Once I started making them, courtesy of my friend Adrienne bringing them to Thanksgiving a few years back, I'm totally in love. So when I saw them being sold on the stalk at Trader Joe's, I knew I had to try them.


How to Roast Brussel Sprouts on the Stalk:

First, rinse them really well.

Pat dry, and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil.

Roast at 400 for about 45 minutes, turning every 15 minutes.

When it's almost done, pour maple syrup over the top! Then keep roasting for another 5 minutes.


To serve, place the stalk on a platter, and sprinkle something tart over it, dried cranberries or cherries, ideally it's red so you have some color contrast:)

This is a part of my 31 Days of Free Fun series, click on the image below to get to the entire list of free activities!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to keep in touch. 


I link to these awesome parties:


  1. Hi - I'm fairly new to your blog, and I really enjoy it! I was wondering what the orange baking sheet is that you lay over your metal it used in place of aluminum foil? Are there advantages (other than environmental) to using it?


  2. My kids are always begging me to make Brussel Sprouts. (They're a bit strange, I know...) I usually tell them to have their Vegetarian-Berkeley-living-brussel-sprout-eating uncle to make them. But this? This I might need to try....

  3. don't you mean little cabbages? ;) looks awesome, pinning!

  4. I thought the same thing and Ive only had them once.These look awesome and you've given me the confidence to try this! thanks! and thanks for coming over to comment today!

  5. Jessica! I just saw these stalks at Trader Joe's this week. Wanted to get them as decor because they were so neat!

  6. My favorite veg! I will have to try this. Never thought to leave them on there! Genius!

  7. I need to try this! I haven't had brussel sprouts in years!

  8. I thought I hated them too and just started eating them last year. now I love them!


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