
Friday, October 5, 2012

An Organizing Habit- Success and a Giveaway

I do not have the organizing habit. I might have the organizing gene, which means I do like to organize, but I'm leanring that there are a few key "hot spots" where I'm just not cutting it day-to-day. Enter the kitchen counter.

It's not as bad as it was when I was organizing our pantry, when everything under the sun was on it, but the pile has gotten bigger and bigger.

When I was approached by Chloe Wilson of to review her new book The Staying Organized Survival Guide: Organize Your Home and Get Rid of Clutter, I knew it was just right for me.

I'm not going to give everything away, but it does have something to do with this:

and actually taking action. Here I am at 4 minutes in...

How did all of this random debris accumulate here? And is that a charger, no 2 chargers, for a computer that doesn't even turn on? Oy vey!

At 13 seconds left,

I was here. A million times better.

I can tell you that reading this book made me actually *do* something about this counter situation, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to carve out time to make organizing a habit by the time I'm done reading it (which should be later today, if all kids stay healthy and in school).

3 Lucky readers will win their own digital copies of the book, which is available on Amazon for your Kindle, iPad, or you can just read it on your computer. Believe me, getting the copy is the least of it (it's super simple), actually standing up, off the chair, off the couch! That's the hard part.

All you need to do to enter is leave me a comment telling me which hot spot you would tackle first. Your kitchen counter? Bathroom drawer, junk drawer, kid's landing area? will pick winners in a few days.

***This Giveaway is now over. The winners are commenters 4, 22 and 21. I'm emailing them now***

This is a part of my 31 Days of Free Fun series, click on the image below to get to the entire list of free activities!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to keep in touch. 



  1. I would start with my bedroom dresser which is a catch all for everything and everyone in the house!

  2. The hot spot that makes me most crazy is our kitchen island.

  3. I would tackle my kitchen first.. looks similar to yours. It's just the place where we drop everything.

  4. Oy! Right now my whole house needs organized.

  5. I would start with my office for sure!

  6. My master closet is a train wreck!

  7. I would definitely start with the kitchen counter and island.

  8. Hot spot = kitchen island. Catches stuff (mine and 4yrs olds), batteries, coupons, band aids, sun screen, spare change, plastic dinosaurs, and on and on and on! HELP!!!! =)

  9. I would tackle my hallway closet. Thank you.

  10. My kitchen drawer is where I'd start!!
    Everything goes there to die, never to be be found again:)
    I could really use the book, thanks!

  11. Ugh! The counter by my back door. Catch all magnet for anything & everything.

  12. My office desk is what needs attention. I dump everything that needs filing or fixing.

  13. I would totally tackle my corner of shame ... it's where things go to die ... when one has a storage room or closet, those items would go there ... since I have neither I have a corner of shame. Fun giveaway ... I'm going to spread the word. :)

  14. Well, right now I have four-went on an organizing spree and got all done but these four spots. The kitchen table-clean on Monday, a mile high full of dropped stuff on Friday; 1/2 the garage which is full of furniture and spray paint projects, my youngest kiddos which is full of 5 kiddos closets that got switched from summer to fall but never got sorted and stored and the basement of shame-playroom and office and storage room that got thrown down there when windows and part of a roof blew in and flooded their original homes and havent been touched since the beginning of summer.

  15. I need to tackle linen storage! I wash it, dry it, fold it. And then it proceeds to sit on the counter in the laundry room. That is supposed to be for folding, but is full!

  16. My junk drawer is alive - I'm afraid to put my fingers in there or I may get bitten!

    Here's to getting organized - 15 minutes at a time!

  17. Do I have to pick just one spot?? Lol. I guess my worst spot is the dining room table. I am horrible about just dropping and never going back to see if I actually need anything I set down. I would love to get some quick and easy ideas to help me get organized! I bet my fiancé would love it even more!!

  18. Oh goodness, my laundry room is my catch all zone. I would DEFINITELY tackle that area first!

    Great giveaway! Crossing my fingers... :)

  19. I don't know if a book could help me, I think Chloe Wilson would have to come right to myself and walk me through my mess.


  20. I'd start with the bar over our kitchen counter. Total clutter magnet! The book sounds great!

  21. I would start with Ione of the closets! This is such an awesome series Jessica! Thanks for inspiring all of us!

  22. What makes me crazy the most is my desk...stuff piles on on each side of the keyboard it's horrible

  23. My desk and the laundry room are my clutter magnets! The book would be really helpful!

  24. Our everything-that-we-don't-know-what-to-do-with closet :/

  25. It is sick how quickly we've accumulated crap in our kitchen junk drawer. Better start there!

  26. After 3 weeks of non-stop teenage activities and a trip to NYC, my kitchen table is a disaster. Seems to always be our trouble spot -- where everything gets dumped! I'd love to win this book! Thanks, Jessica, for hosting --
    xo Heidi

  27. Perfect! I'll probably do my organizing task when I already get what I needed to in my office. I've got a stacks of papers in my desk and I'm really serious when I promised to myself that I'll buy office cubicles long island to fix everything.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)