
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dress Up Clothes Storage

Organizing dress up clothes

Without a system even the cutest things can get out of control.

Oh, a construction worker, how cute! Pay no attention to the accessories that will surely be lost in no time at all. The hat, saw, safety goggles, without which, my darling boy is unable to effectively play construction worker.

That fairy/princess/ballerina? She will absolutely know where every one of her shoes, wands, purses, tiaras, bracelets and necklaces are. Right?

Oh, so, so wrong.

My initial foray at organizing the dress up clothes was to cover diaper boxes with wrapping paper. Super cute, and effective for about two months.

diaper box covered in wrapping paper to hold dress up clothes

That was before the "boy" costumes arrived. So instead of just frilly tutus, we also have a doctor set, construction worker, fireman, and hair stylist. 

I know that last one isn't a "boy" one, but it arrived at the same time:)

dress up clothes hung on a rolling rack for storage

Thankfully, we have a room where furniture goes to die (also commonly referred to as a storage room or basement), and in it we had two rolling racks. I took one, made it as short as I could, then took the wheels off so that it wouldn't move.

I also found a mirror that we have no use for since our closet doors are mirrored, and I popped it back there, so the little ones can see themselves once they are suitably attired.

Shoes live below the rack and accessories fit in a few bins on the left. I also bought hangers that have clips on them so anything that goes with a certain outfit (like a hairband for the stylist) can be clipped on to the hanger and not lost in the abyss that is the playroom at times.

I'm not exactly sure what he is doing there with the saw and the package, but it sure is cute.


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  1. I love this idea! Kennedy's just used to get all mixed in with all her regular clothes in her closet. Now she plays "dressup" with all her regular clothes and just takes every outfit out and throws it on the floor. Yay.

  2. Love your dress up ideas. That area is alway a mess in my house.

  3. Haha! They both look so adorable! I miss playing dress up as a kid! It was such fun.

  4. My kiddos have totally been into this lately and our collection is growing! We will also be picking up more after Halloween when many of the stores and kids consignment shops mark them way down. Thank you for the wonderful ideas and pics :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  5. Brilliant solution! Your kids are way too cute. :)
    xo Heidi

  6. Today at a garage sale I bought an old suitcase. When I went to pay the man says oh wait, did you look inside, the stuff inside doesn't go with it. Then a girl about 16 came over and took it out. It was all her dress up stuff! I assume she kept it for sentimental value.


  7. good luck!! we started with a movable rack for the dress up gowns...2 weeks later we were back to bins...too much effort to hang them up....hope it works for you..definitely looks better!!

  8. Great solution! All the costume parts are what makes me terrified of that point in our lives. :) We're not quite old enough yet, and I know it'll be adorable, but MESSY!

  9. Really lovely and creative tract has been shared since the good efforts for the different types cloths shared and understand in this cloths. Most of the people are like it.

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  10. Hi Jessica,

    This is the cutest idea!! I'm putting together a playroom for a client & this really inspires me! I'll be sure to send you pics if this is the route we go!




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