
Friday, July 20, 2012

DIY Jigsaw Projects- Guest Post from Number 2 Pencil

To wrap up my blog vacation week I have Melissa here to share some awesome DIY projects. I first fell in love with her creative food creations (pancake pops anyone?), but she rocks it out in the project world as well.

Hello friends of Stay at Home-ista! I'm Melissa from No. 2 Pencil, and I am thrilled to be guest posting for Jessica today. Over at No. 2 Pencil, I share creative recipes and DIY projects. Today, I am sharing a few DIY projects I have made using one of my favorite crafting tools...a jigsaw! Yes, technically it is a power tool, but it is so easy to use, everyone should give it a try.

A jigsaw is the perfect multi purpose tools for a DIYer. They are affordable, and simple to use. I purchased an inexpensive Ryobi jigsaw from Home Depot for less than $30. I also use inexpensive sheets of MDF (medium-density fibre board) for my projects, and my jigsaw cuts them quickly and easily.

Jigsaws have a small, thin blade and are made to easily cut curves. In fact, this curvy frame was the very first project I did with my jigsaw. I drew a funky shape onto a piece of MDF and just went for it. I sanded, painted, and glazed it and taped an 8x10 picture of our family to the back.

This oversized letter was a quick and inexpensive way to add a big statement to our bathroom makeover.

I used my Silhouette machine to cut a big vintage style hello sign out of card stock, then used the card stock as a template for my jigsaw.

With my latest project, I got creative with my jigsaw and some chalkboard paint and made a year round wreath for our front door.

All of these jigsaw projects are so quick and easy. In fact, I made each of these during my toddler's nap time!  If you are itching to get creative with a jigsaw, I did a step-by-step tutorial for my vintage style hello sign and have even more tips on my chalkboard wreath tutorial. I hope you pop by for a visit!

Thank you for having me Jessica, and thanks for reading!

PS - Since I am a guest poster here, does that mean I get to stop by and see Jessica's beautiful home in person? I hope so! 

Anytime Melissa- you are welcome to stop by!


  1. i am a huge fan of melissa's! she is so talented and always has great ideas!

  2. These projects are amazing and so inspiring! I can't get over the brilliance of that chalkboard wreath.

  3. I recently conquered a jigsaw project and am loving your work! The "hello" is my favorite. :)

  4. Yea, two of my favorite bloggers in one today! Melissa, you know I'm a big fan, and I LOVE your jigsaw projects! Great thing is that my son loves to use the jigsaw, so I think I'm going to turn him loose on a few of these ideas!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)