Thursday, July 26, 2012

Baskets in the Dining room. Where else do you store your scooters?

These amazing baskets are from Target and even have handy little chalkboard labels already attached ot them in case you don't know what you put inside. As you can see, that's not really an issue for us!

Our dining room opens right out to the deck, so even though it may look like a more formal space, in a house with three kids under 5, every space is a kid space.

The kids love to ride bikes and scooters, and our deck provides them a safe spot to do just that. I try to avoid them running into our diy patio garden, or our new bougainvillea, but other than that, there are good to go.

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Colleen said...

no question we have children living with us either!!!

Tiffany @ {Living Savvy} said...

Very cleaver! I love baskets for everything... even big things! Love it!

Simply LKJ said...

Love it! Looks like they love the space as well.

Brooke said...

Your kids are so cute!! 3 under 5...Wow! You are amazing!
I love those Target baskets. I have one in my living room for toys. I want more of them; they are the sturdiest large baskets that I've found and I love the cute chalkboard labels.

Unknown said...

A basket for everything! So cute!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

baskets are the way to go! Tsrget is coming out with quite cute stuff!

Linda @ it all started with paint said...

Kids really do take over every room, don't they? I don't miss all that teal and primary color plastic ...



Megan said...

I adore those baskets. I have three of them!! They, too, store kid junk...I mean stuff.

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Too cute, Jessica! What an awesome outdoor spillover space where they can tootle around. Love. :)
xo Heidi

Krystle @ Color Transformed Family said...

I don't think we are far off from having to purchase some of those baskets ourselves. I am finding more and more of Noah's toys downstairs now.

Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

That is so cute! I've seen those baskets at target and have tried to come up with a good reason to buy one. :) Scooters, OF COURSE!

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