
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring Break Photos

I'm sharing a few pictures of our spring break trip to Lake Tahoe, where we fit in a bit of skiing, and managed to snap a not-awful family pic of all five of us! I fully admit that this post is mostly for the enjoyment of my east-coast (read: far away) relatives. For everyone else, I'm back tomorrow with a very spring appropriate DIY Veggie Garden Planter!

On the gondola. We took a day off from skiing, so this was just a fun "ride". 
The weather was warm so no hats or mittens, and yes, they are wearing their pajamas underneath the snow jackets.

The snow finally came. It only took until mid-April, so we got lots of snowy pics.

My goodness, how can you resist babies dressed like animals? It is one of my favorite looks for them:)

Oh, and if this isn't the healthiest snowman ever! They used carrots and broccoli leftovers from dinner the night before.


  1. What a beautiful family! it looks as if you had a wonderful Spring break at Tahoe, Kathysue

  2. Beautiful Family, thanks so much for sharing these wonderful pictures.

  3. Fun, fun, fun! I do love kiddos with animal hoods and hats! Stinkin adorable! We are headed there in August. Hopefully there won't be any snow! ;-)

  4. Yes, a lovely family ! Enjoyed seeing the beautiful pics ! I always put my kids in little hats with bunny ears, or teddy bear ears.....sigh. Long time ago - my youngest is now 15 !!! He won't wear them any more.....

  5. i love kids dressed as animals too! and i can't believe i'm saying this, but i really missed the snow this year.

  6. could not agree more. love your youngest in that jacket. my little guy had one similar when he was younger. it was my favorite jacket!

  7. Jessica you have a lovely family! And you still have snow? And you call it spring break? lol!

  8. Beautiful you and beautiful family. OMG! That sweet baby in the animal outfit is adorable. Love the look in your son's eyes in the blue hat picture. Cute! Cute! Cute!

  9. Great family photo! My hubby loves to ski and can't wait to teach our toddler.

    Glad you were all able to get away together! :)

  10. Lovely photos yes that last one is just so cute

  11. Cute! Love the "healthy" snowman :) ha ha


  12. You have a beautiful family. Yes, nothing is cuter than little kids dressed as animals! I love your healthy snowman, so cute! What a fun spring break!

  13. How did I miss this post! Look at those cuties! You have such a lovely family. Looks like you had a great time. And, yep, its still cold here on the East Coast. Burr


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)