Between the living room and the dining room we wanted to create a sense of separation yet still keep it open. On one side (the left) the elevator shaft juts into the space, so we just mirrored that same size on the other side (the window wall) and brought the ceiling down a bit overhead to give it a sense of compression, like it was supposed to be that way.
Here is the wall on the left:
It's not done yet, but so far we added a giant triptych of a sail boat, and my grandmother's table (which is dramatically under-scaled, I know). On the other side, we have "hidden doors".
As you can see there is a ton of electronic equipment. (One day I will organize all those wires, promise). We also store our folding chairs there for when we extend the dining table and need to seat 14, and our high chair for when babies come to visit (ours still needs to learn to sit up first before she will make use of it). This is also the spot with the cable box, the alarm controls, lighting control panel, and the phone/data panel for the entire house. It's a man's dream room. And it allows us to have this massive TV with no furniture under it, no wires and no boxes visible, something that both of us are happy about.
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Wow! Your home is so beautiful! I love your "impossible." Thanks for linking up to our party!
That closet is brilliant! We have some wires we need to hide...I will be so glad when everything is wireless! Angie xo
Oh my! Your home is gorgeous! You have such great taste!
That is so cool! Love that orange sofa too and the bold wall color! Thanks so much for joining our Impossibilities Challenge. New follower.
So awesome, what a comfortable space. I love the game on TV too. That one had a better ending for us Pats fans than yesterday's game.
Thanks so much for linking up to the challenge!
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