
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Superbowl BBQ turned leftovers

This is the story of our Superbowl party, and yes, I know it's very late for that. Plus it's not really the story of the party, or even of the food we served, it's really about the leftovers. First, here is the set-up.

We put the buffet out on the kitchen island (see more kitchen here). We had beer, juice boxes, hot dogs and hamburgers from the grill (it was 60+ outside), chips and dips. I'm pretty sure the only "green thing" as my kids would say, was the guacamole. That counts as a vegetable, right? Anyway, none of this is particularly relevant becuase I didn't take any pictures, blogger fail. We did have a pin-the-football-in-the-fieldgoal game...

Which my kids played on Saturday, so it was already done by the time the party came around. Anyway, here is a shot of what my fridge looked like on Monday.

Yep, not much happening that I could turn into dinner. I did have some homemade yogurt, but not much else. I had already had one night last week when I was sick where I served plain pasta, peas and potato salad. Not my best meal, and quite possibly my worst. So back to Monday, I hadn't gone to the store so I decided to pull together a "chili", keeping in the spirit of football.

"Chili" is in quotes because that's what I can anything that I cook in my big Le Creuset dutch oven that involves meat. In this case I browned up the last pound of ground beef from the freezer, added onion, garlic, frozen corn, shredded carrots, a can of kidney beans, beer (hello, that's what we had leftover!) some chili powder and salt and called it a day. I served it with chips (for dinner!) and it turned out to be a big success. By my count there are way more veggies in that than meat, but I called it "chili" and the kids dug in. Now that, is successful (and resourceful) parenting!


  1. Thanks for the comment! I love it when people take the time to comment on a post lol.

    I have become a huge fan of left overs. If you're creative they can make the best meals. I have learned a thing or two from my husband who comes from a family who are freakishly good with things like that.

    We could really use the 60 degrees over here. Then again the winter has been so awkward here that it doesn't feel like a normal winter.

  2. Haven't we all had those plain pasta nights!

    Fantastic blog and so glad that you came by and found me.

    Hope you stop by today and checkout a giveaway and a photography class I have going on :0)

  3. Jessica,

    Your bathroom is as awesome as your parties! I love the football table runner.

    You are a rockstar!


  4. I have never had "chili" don't know if I would like it as I do not like hot and spicey food........

  5. Looks like you had a great time. I love the decorations! So festive! Thanks for linking up for Tasty Tuesday! I pinned this recipe to my recipe board on Pinterest! Have a great weekend! :)

  6. I love chili and also have nothing left in my fridge. It's hard to get back motivated after having a few nights off from cooking


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what you have to say! Sometimes I'm busy chasing after the three kids who can walk, or feeding the baby, but I promise, at some point I'll get back to you and head over to your blog (if you have one) to leave you a comment too:)