Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Snapshot of a kitchen corner

Every kitchen, no matter how large has a corner that sees the most action. For us, it's the corner to the left of the sink, where I bake and my husband makes his morning coffee.

Yes, those are cookbooks on the windowsill behind the mixer. I keep the 3 or 4 that I use all the time right there. Plus a kid's foldout book for the little ones to "read" if they aren't interested in what I'm doing.

The coffee maker is a Nespresso Pixie. It's amazing (I don't drink coffee but so far everyone else agrees). It uses the little pods (you can see them in an acrylic cube on the left (thanks Amy Ruth!), which means way less mess than grinding your own beans, tamping them down, and the whole process of a traditional espresso machine. The machine on the right is a milk frother, super cool. It can froth either hot or cold, and I use it for hot cocoa for the kids.

This is the perfect spot for these items due to it's proximity to the sink:

When we had our counters fabricated they left us with a small square of extra marble. I think this is pretty standard practice, and is supposed to make up for the fact that they estimated 6 slabs of Calcutta Oro for the whole house, and we wound up with 8 slabs (yikes, way more money), plus two slabs of Lagos Azul for the fireplaces (surrounds and hearths). So, where was I? Right, the small leftover square of marble in the kitchen. I put my hot pots and pans directly on the counters (or more likely, on the stove, where I find the burners act as built in cooling racks), so I didn't need it as a trivet, and I wasn't going to cut on it (I have a nice end-grain cutting board from Ikea for that). I decided to use it to put my cleaning supplies on next to the sink.

Before we got our counters, we did a ton of research about materials, and settled on marble, even though it can stain and takes more care than man-made materials like Corian or Silestone. My husband liked the movement in the veining, I liked the texture it brought to our all white kitchen. And everything we put on it looks that much nicer, don't you agree?

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Linda @ it all started with paint said...

Agree? To what? Sorry, but I am seriously distracted by that AMAZING view ... I would even wash dishes if I could look at that view every day. My view is into the messy family room!


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Make it Create by Lilly Ashley said...

I agree with Linda, I was noticing that awesome view out your window!! Wow! =) Your kitchen is gorgeous!!

thistlewoodfarm said...

Seriously....I would do dishes all day if I had a view like that! We are re-doing our countertops....adding marble and a farmhouse sink! I love that sink fixture too! Thanks for including me in the google circle....makes it so easy to keep up with everyone's post.


Vic at Blossom and Snowflakes said...

I'm also admiring the view. Wow! Vic (new follower from the UK) :)

Anonymous said...

Following you from the Made in a Day blog hop! I hope you will stop by Swanky Baby and follow back too! Have a good day!


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What marble? What corner. OMG, that view!!!! Wow! Gorgeous gorgeous. Thanks for sharing at Wow.

Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche said...

I can't believe that view! I don't think I'd get any cooking done if I could look up and see that! :)

Yash said...

No really seriously: What a view! I could never get any work done in there. I would be so lost in daydreaming...pretty cool kitchen! And I like the way you've paid attention to smallest details - it shows. :)

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

holy wow, the view, oh my! Lucky girl....
(ps it will be featured next week)

mapleleavessycamoretrees said...

Beautiful! What an amazing view...just gorgeous!

The Corson Cottage said...

Beautiful kitchen! What a view! Carrie

Becca Bertotti said...

Okay ... I'm going to echo everyone's comments ... your kitchen is gorgeous, and your VIEW is absolutely amazing. I'd "stay at home," too, if I were able to see that all the time! LOL. *Becca* (new follower by way of Savvy Southern Style)


Elle and Lou said...

What a lovely light room with a great view to boot!

Karah @ thespacebetweenblog said...

Jessica!! That view is so awesome...and your counters are great too. :) Congrats on the feature at MUSOS...what a beautiful space.

Jae said...

I love your counters! So pretty!! (along with the fabulous windows and view) We are remodeling our kitchen now and chose marble for the backsplash.

Amy @ 11Magnolialane said...

Gorgeous! We recently also chose marble in our new home, I am still adjusting to the maintenance but you can't beat their beauty. I just wish I had your view :)

LindaB said...

This is stunning! Beyond! That is the countertop of choice at 1/2 of our household, too. Love it. Everything about your space is just right. Beautiful job.

ANNE said...

Um what corner? what marble? what perfect spot?? Where do you live to have such a fabulous view??? and all those windows to enjoy it with. Sigh. Gorgeous...

New follower here :)

An Oasis in the Desert said...

Your kitchen looks amazing! That view is jaw-dropping!

Unknown said...

SHUT TO THE UP! I think I actually drooled on my keyboard! This is my dream kitchen- couldn't get to the "pin it" button fast enough!
Kerry from HouseTalkN

My Cozy Corner said...

I love your kitchen. The view looks just like my sister's view from her kitchen in the Los Gatos hills. I was born and raised in San Jose and loved the weather and the small town. But that is gone now. I'm happy you live up and out of the day to day grind...Great to be a stay at home mom. You are so blessed.
Betty @ My Cozy Corner

gina said...

Beautiful kitchen, beautiful view!

fiona anderson said...

Wow your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous and so is the incredible view - I'd spend all day in there and I don't love cooking that much lol !
I'm following too - Fiona, near the beach on the south coast of England, but with absolutely no gorgeous views what so ever !!!

Suzanne said...

Can I come over and wash your dishes? Absolutely gorgeous. The view is amazing, and so are those marble countertops. Truly elegant but also warm. I'm your newest follower!

Bonnie said...

Gorgeous kitchen in every way. I think I would like to cook more in such a beautiful room and amazing view. Love the all white look and I love the windows on both sides. We stayed in a beach house like that once and it was such a pleasant experience.Your marble is incredibly wonderful. Are you pleased as far as maintenance goes? I hear things about staining...does it make you nervous?

Regina from The Queenly Abode said...

I am a new follower....love, love , love, the kitchen and the beautiful view! I think I could cook all day.haha
have a great day,

Barbara Bussey {The Treasured Home} said...

Hi there,
Being a Sacramentan, I need to know where to get that view! Seriously! Yes, there is nothing like marble! White marble. You'd think I'd be happy to have granite counters, but if ever I have the chance for a do-over, this will be my choice!

Natasha in Oz said...

Oh boy, what a kitchen, what a view, what a great home!

Best wishes,
Natasha @ Five Minutes for Me

free standing closet said...

I'm also admiring the view. Wow! Vic (new follower from the UK) :)

Spanish Pinay said...

the view just overpowers everything! I love all the windows and how they are all facing a wonderful view. And hello, Nespresso! Hubby and I love ours too :)

Spanish Pinay

A Pearl In The Making said...

New follower here and I am curious what the brand of your frother is. Thanks.

Lovely kitchen!! San Fran area is wonderful.

Rhiannon said...

oh my i LOVE your sink and the huge windows and window sils but most of all that view is AMAZING!! I'm in awe

Shabby Sweet Tea said...

I was in Paris in Nov and our apartment had a Pixie. First thing I did when I returned to the states was buy one! Two cups a day my friend:)

PS your kitchen is to die for!

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